Business Formation Solutions LLC
Pennsylvania Businesses Only
a partner of The Insurance Masters
Why start an LLC?
Protect Yourself
Forming an LLC helps protect your personal assets. It also unlocks the ability for you to open bank accounts, enter into contracts, hire employees, and get business licenses and permits.
LLC vs Corporation
Both protect owners so they're not personally on the hook for business liabilities or debts. But, key differences include how they're owned (LLCs have one or more individual members, and corporations have shareholders) and maintained (corporations generally have more formal record-keeping and reporting requirements).
How to Get Started?
Tell us what you'd like to call your business, and we'll see if that name is up for grabs. Answer a few more questions. Make your payment in full. We'll complete and file your paperwork with the state of PA and obtain your EIN.
Limited Liability Corporation --------------$275.00
Employer Identification Number ---------$75.00
Turn around time is 2-4 weeks. Due to Covid-19 State employees are working from home.